Barack Hussein Obama is the 44th President of the United States of America, and the first Black President of the same. The election of Obama fulfills the dreams and visions of two powerful men who lived in the midst of this country's horrific and embarrassing Civil Rights struggle - Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. King, in an early 60's interview said he believed a Negro American could be president within 25 years; Kennedy said in a national address (also in the early 60's) that he believed this country could heal and progress to the point that we could elect a Black president within 40 years. Their statements reflect the dreams and hopes of two men who despite seeing people at their worst - believed in their best. They had dreams not just for themselves but for a nation of people.
Interestingly, all of this has tickled my mind these last few days, after hearing two inspirational messages on dreams delivered at church. The Biblical scripture centered around the life of Joseph and how his dreams caused him to be hated - literally by his brothers. His dreams so intimidated and disturbed them that after - what I call - pulling death straws; they sold their own flesh into slavery. From there Joseph obtained prominence, was lied on by a manipulative woman, was jailed and finally rose to prominence again.
Dreams, especially those that awaken your power and prominence, are intimidating. In the past year I have learned that through a series of hard lessons. Your dreams are great as long as they quickly produce a tangible and financial reward and do so consistently. For some, that is definitely the divine path they will be favored with. For others, like Joseph, there are some seasons of hardships that must be undertaken in order that your position be sure and your faith be even more certain. You know what Joseph taught me, okay I will admit I learned a bit late as did he; but he taught me to keep my dreams securely wrapped in quiet prayer until they are strong enough to be revealed.
I unwrapped my dreams too soon to some who are not designed to dream at my level and when the money tree did not quickly shake its massive leaves to blanket the lawn on either side of the house; temporary applauders became strong opposers. I know how Joseph must have felt and even though I know without a doubt God assigned this time to me and appointed me to whoop its behind - the growing and testing of my faith is still hard. I am a stronger person because of it and I am so proud of me; for I did not run and every time I was knocked to the ground I got up. That I believe is the mark of a true dreamer - knowing that you have to fight for the dream and sometimes fight repeatedly.
As I write this my son and I are being covered by a friend who quietly respects my dreams, she and a handful of others often tell me that I have a calling to pull people's dreams out of them. I am not sure how true that is, but I am now convinced that is part of the deeper roots that sprout my dreams. Doing it - pulling out people's dreams is also part of those deeper roots and I believe it is the part that pisses off the negative forces around us. If I dream, if I fight for my dream, if I reach inside you to pull a dream to the surface - I am creating too much positive energy, too much hope, too much light.
Well, okay dreamer, join me today in pissing off dream negaters - lets inaugurate hope in our lives. As the nation, no as the world, watches the swearing in of the 44th President of the United States, he urged an era of responsibility. Stand up, grab your Bible or your tool of inspiration and write your address to the world about who you are and what your dreams bring to the table. What does your inauguration address say about hope, fighting for your dreams, allowing your sincere, divine dream to pull you through hell? What does your inauguration address say about who you are destined to be? Does your inauguration address have the power of a dreamer and audacity of hope? Dream on my child and when someone comes - and they will - to challenge your dreams and even snatch it from your bosom - tell them to GET OFF MY PILLOW!
E. Claudette Freeman,
Arise, Write, Release
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