Friday, April 3, 2009


Do you ever get instructions from God? Some may call them signs from the universe. Since I believe in the resurrected Christ - for me, they are instructions or little understandings from God. I have often received God Tones over a period of time and have learned to jot them down. When I go back and read them after several days or weeks - they carry a powerful message.

In my wonderful ability to sometimes be on the short bus in spite of the obvious - I have missed this important knowledge about the purpose of God Tones- God was giving me foresight to my coming experience! Oh wow! How I wished I could go back and hear and apply the God Tones in different seasons over the years. I am more sensitive to them now. I pray for clarity and understanding in them and I watch for the life occurrence that corresponds.

The string of recent God Tones are definitely for the now season: release dead things, get out of familiar territory, prepare a place for Me to bless you, no matter the attack listen for my still voice. Clear and definitive messages on how to bring a new and comprehensively focused order to my life. So key are these God Tones that a unique confidence sprouted in my spirit. This is the confidence that comes from moments of darkness and the pains of desiring divine promises in spite of. It is a sincere confidence. It is a well-with-my-soul confidence.

What God Tones or universal signs have you heard? Today draw and write with me. Adorn yourself in the words of life just for you. Draw a necklace of pearls. In each pearl write a God Tone that has tickled your mind's ears. When you are done, you will notice that you are blessed with road signs indicating where you are at this moment or a code of conduct for the moments fast approaching. God Tones do not make the journey easier, but they do provide guidance and blessed assurance.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


A dear friend said to me recently that my gift, the thing that I am good at is BIRTHING. Not in a having babies giving birth kind of way - but in a birthing dreams and untapped vision kind of way. Her response to a question I posed threw me for a loop, yet confirmed something within. My question to her - what do you believe I am really good at and should focus my energy on?

What threw me in her response was the knowledge that someone else saw it clearly enough to put it into words. Several other things came back to my conscious state when she shared her thought with me. One - that a woman who has never given birth naturally, would be so gifted. Two - that in a time of prayer, a minister said to me that my womb (though I had undergone a hysterectomy) would be prepared for birth again. Three - when the minister spoke those words, I had not shared that I had never given birth from my natural womb, the hysterectomy nor my unwavering belief that I was at a point in my life where I was unable to birth spiritually, professionally or creatively. Yet, three years later, a friend would recognize the same thing the minister did in me - BIRTH.

The challenge for me is accepting the power of my gift. Surely accepting and recognizing your gift and then accepting its power is a challenge for you as well. Each time I sit with a coaching client, I ask that God give me wisdom and guidance. I believe that every thing we write has the capacity to be therapeutic and therefore I do not take their work or mine for granted. While they do not understand my methods or lines of questioning (and often I am clueless too); it all, I have discovered, is more about the author than the story. I can not explain why is that way but I do know that giving birth is a process. It is a process that requires the mother be as healthy as possible for the nurturing and ultimate delivery of the life within. The doctor or midwife facilitates the components that make up the birthing process and they all work together to give birth. So I am honored to have a gift for birthing. I am equally and wonderfully intimidated about how I should unwrap and offer this gift.

So what is the gift you must now unwrap and offer? Imagine that you have been given a box. Inside this box your git has been carefully and lovingly placed. The box was then beautifully decorated with colorful wrapping, flowing ribbons and curly bows. There is a card attached that says, "do not open until this gift makes room for you." The note also says, "the gift is not for you but for the edifying of others."

What is in your box and before whom will you unwrap it? Maybe it is the gift of song or the gift of deciphering dreams - whatever it is recognize it, respect it and use it to the benefit of others. Then you will experience how awesome being gifted really is.