I have the privilege of helping people birth books. I call it a privilege because I learn so many wonderful and amazing things from these authors. What I have found is that what is intended to be a simple literary coaching session often becomes times of empowerment and therapy for them and for me. That is so cool! I am also privileged to be able to be on the perimeter watching the dreams of people touch the rising sun. That is something to behold.
I will say that with some of the my clients, I am often overwhelmed with their excitement. To answer a phone call and a voice has risen two octaves higher or a speech pattern that is normally very deliberate is suddenly fast paced throws me. I get distracted by the excitement and I get so intrigued in it, that the reasons for the excitement are sometimes lost on me.
I realized that I get a kick out of that adrenalin and emotion that pulsates through people when they are genuinely and wonderfully excited about something that is happening in their life. That thing is so absolutely amazing. Life can be so very enchanting and embracing that it urges a typically slightly tenor voice to become more alto-soprano; and a normally mousy personality is suddenly giggling loudly like a school girl on the merry-go-round.
I think it is okay to not focus on the reason for the excitement - instead focus on the joy. It is the thing that tickles your spirit - that emotion of contentment - that will hit the ears of someone who has been crying all day and softly dry away their sorrow or discouragement. The reminder of what tears of joy sound like, brings a smile to a temporary dark moment and now there is the thought that I can reach for some of that excitement too. There is sweetness in the belly laugh of achievement that a friend shares with you and I am appreciating the blessing of someone sharing it with me.
There are times when I am sitting in a waiting room at a doctor’s office or even in a meeting and I feel a little excitement tickling that spot right behind my navel and right next to my heart. Yes, I’m sure it’s not gas. When it happens, I cleverly move my hand over my mouth to refrain from just losing it in laughter. I believe that God tickles me from time to time, just to remind me that He wants me to be happy, He wants me to smile and He wants me to be excited about everything that is me. He wants me to laugh at my joy and at my pain; because in both things I am yet alive and able to feel and able to wait for Him to tickle me so I can smile.
God tickles you too. Tell me today in your writing, when was the last time you felt God tickle you? Your tickle may come when you suddenly find a candy bar you haven’t seen since you were five (for me recently it was finding a box of Boston Baked Beans - OMG!). Or your tickle may be in a silly joke that keeps playing over and over in your head. Sometimes a tickle can come in those most unusual things that kids say - like when my four year old niece told me that she would not push the skateboard beyond the fence, because "we don't to have a situation, right auntie?" (Well okay then!)
There are little tickles that happen in our lives that say you have the right to laugh, to dance, to giggle until you have to run to the bathroom, to cry at the touch of a little ones hand on your face. Write about the tickles you have encountered, smile about them, laught about them and then rest your head on the Father’s chest and tell Him thanks I sure needed that.
Great article... Wow. Is all I can say about this article. It sure did tickle my spirit to read this encouraging yet intriguing story on how you feel about your clients. Hmmm… You got me thinking. Your gift of writing is truly from God. I’m so happy that you have the heart for sharing your writing, your thoughts and how you express yourself through your writing with us. That you allow us the glimpse of what goes on in the mind of
E. Claudette Freeman. It’s amazing! I don’t know why... I felt like you were talking about me in a couple of lines of the article but it was all good because it tickled me pink… LOL… (and I’m wearing pink today) lol.
Here’s a tickle that I have encountered that I believe is so funny to me till this day even though it happens quite often when they call. Our family like most families gets a lot of bill collectors that call. So when a bill collector calls and my mom picks up… they are RUDE! Matter of fact, this happened yesterday and it was hilarious. She picked up the phone and they said Jamie Brown (mine you... no hi how are you. may I speak to Jamie Brown) so with a facial expression of (who do you think you’re talking too face) she says…how do you know a Jamie Brown lives here or if this is Jamie Brown… She said… Let me tell you something, next time you want to speak to her I suggest you learn how to speak and ask for the person you need to speak too. (Click-hung up the phone) ---I think I told the nice version---…. lol… I was like ohhhhh NO! No you didn’t! (Like Sheneneh from Martin) Lol… That was too funny to me when she told me that. And guess what??? I’m still laughing. I can truly imagine my mother’s face on the phone. So that is my tickle and I thank God for that tickle. It truly made my day and many days. There are many bill collector stories from where that came from. That’s just one of them. Stay tuned for many more to come.
awesome work &thoughts keep the progress flowing.
AMAZING post C. I find that our Heavenly Father allows me to have SO many of those tickles daily. One of my absolute favorite things is, to laugh.....and laugh some more. I love how you mentioned Boston Baked Beans...It was not too long ago I sat in my living room explaining what they were to my girls. That was way too revealing, they just saw mom as a dinosaur, but we laughed LOTS.
C, you inspire me....PLEASE keep up the posting.......PLEASE
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